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Why Nutrition Matters For Your Teeth

October 19, 2017

Having a healthy, balanced diet does good for the whole body, including your teeth! While it may not seem like what you eat has any effect on your oral health, the truth of the matter is: it does. Which nutrients are best for your smile?

The Effects of a Bad Diet on Teeth

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “sugar rots your teeth.” As extreme as it sounds, it’s true! Teeth are strong, yet highly sensitive to overly acidic foods and drinks like sugary snacks and coffee. Just like consuming too much candy, dried fruit, soda, and wine are bad for your waistline, they are also damaging to your teeth. They stain and eat away at the enamel, or protective layer of the tooth, which makes way for cavities and tooth decay.

Even some healthy foods like citrus can be damaging for your teeth due to their high acidity. Eating citrus in moderation, like all things, is the best way to ensure that it doesn’t harm your teeth.

Tooth-Friendly Foods

Many of the foods that are good for your overall health are good for your teeth as well. Crunchy, fibrous foods like apples and nuts eliminate bacteria from the surface of your teeth without having to brush them. They also contain vitamins that keep your teeth strong. Calcium-rich foods like cheese and yogurt promote strong and healthy tooth enamel. Spice up your dishes with garlic and ginger, which are also great at fending off bacteria that can damage your teeth.

Wondering what you can drink to keep your teeth strong? Try plain water! Water naturally washes bacteria and plaque off of your teeth and is effective at flushing out toxins from your body too.

The Secret Ingredient

When paired with good nutrition, having a solid dental routine is the ideal way to maintaining a healthy smile. Consistent brushing and flossing are excellent, but seeing a dentist every six months is also necessary. Dr. Desai and the staff at North Richland Hills Dentistry are happy to discuss your oral healthcare needs. Be sure to check out our specials and contact us to schedule an appointment!

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